David Cain
Principal Analyst
Joined 2019
David Cain joined Procurement Leaders as a Principal Analyst who specialises in 2019. Prior to joining Procurement Leaders, he built a diverse background with over a decade of analytics and insights experience in market research.


Impactful supplier diversity programmes

The topic of supplier diversity has garnered increasing attention over the past few years as organisations look to boost diversity and inclusion while also providing much needed resilience and flexibility to their supply chains.

Data-driven decision making

Many procurement teams have now shifted focus to finding ways to utilize data to drive informed decision making to bring more value to organisations.

Cost modelling (cost management)

Cost management will always be one of the pillars of the procurement function. With that being said, there are a number of organisations that still struggle to accurately model costs or accumulate data to discern if the price they are paying is a fair one.

Creative Sourcing Solutions

The outbreak and prevalence of Covid-19 caused strain on supply networks and forced many organisations to seek creative alternatives to source materials. 

Multisource to ensure supply continuity

Sourcing goods and services from a variety of providers will reduce the buying organisation’s risk exposure, deliver cost savings and enable buyers to work with a diverse range of suppliers

Procurement 101: Multisourcing

Splitting spend between several suppliers will foster competition, deliver cost savings and reduce the buying organisation’s dependency on a single provider

Optimising cash on hand during a crisis

Covid-19 and the impending economic downturn has required organisations to take rapid action to extend supplier payment terms, monitor inventory cycles, and optimise collections.

Contract Management

As Covid-19 continues to shape the business landscape, businesses are having to amend contracts quickly.