Technology, agile methodologies and geopolitical uncertainty provide catalysts for structural changes
Technology, agile methodologies and geopolitical uncertainty provide catalysts for structural changes
Customer obsession is such a well-used phrase that its meaning tends to get somewhat lost. Now, when someone tells you that ’you need to be customer-obsessed’ it is usually met with the odd eye-roll
Procurement Leaders recently launched a revamped version of its competency model, a tool designed for members to assess their teams against critical procurement capabilities
15 years ago, the topic of discussion at the very first Congress that Procurement Leaders organised, was how the function could better manage complex spend.
Looking back now it seems like a much more innocent time for the function.
There had been no global financial crisis and new technologies were emerging that promised to help cut complexity and help the function get control of more areas of spend.
Many procurement functions have a vision of what supplier-enabled innovation (SEI) can achieve. A means of bringing external solutions into an organisation to reinforce its ability to innovate, SEI has the potential to unlock new value streams and transform procurement’s role in modern business